The cops pull up in front of your house and arrest you. They read you your Miranda rights and you’re stuck in the back of a squad car. The very last thing you need to say to a loved one is, “Call a lawyer.” This call will ensure that you at least get some sort of representation in the beginning. You need to take some time with hiring Harris County criminal defense attorneys, though, so that your case is handled properly. Regardless of what crime you committed or what your guilt level is, you need a competent lawyer. There are 4 easy steps to finding one.

Step 1: Make sure that you have a skilled lawyer. In order to do this, you must not only ensure that you have Harris County criminal defense attorneys but also ones that are completely versed in the crime that you have allegedly committed. If you’ve been charged with murder, you don’t want a lawyer that is usually involved with theft or arson charges. You should look for a lawyer with the right expertise because the law is very complicated and you need someone who can navigate through the legislation.

Step 2: Meet with a few lawyers. Whether you are sitting in a jail cell or have already posted bail, you have the right to meet with multiple Harris County criminal defense attorneys. You need to be extremely up front and honest with your attorney and so it is critical that you are comfortable with him or her. Talk to each of them for a few minutes and look for a vibe. If you don’t feel comfortable with them then you won’t be able to trust them and that could end up hurting your case significantly.

Step 3: Ask about fees. While your main focus should be getting out of harm’s way with the law, ultimately you will have to pay for the services that a lawyer is providing you, so you need to make sure you can afford them. Different Harris County criminal defense attorneys charge different amounts. It’s possible to find a middle ground in fees so that you are not left broke afterwards. If a lawyer’s rates sound too good to be true it probably means he or she is just starting out.

Step 4: Find out about experience. Experience is everything. Harris County criminal defense attorneys may charge the right amount, make you feel comfortable and work the same kinds of crimes as you’ve been charged with, but if they don’t have the experience and the track record, then they might not be much use to you. You need an aggressive lawyer in the courtroom who is going to set the prosecutor straight. The more cases a lawyer has won, the better chances you have of them being able to do the same thing for you. It is one of the most important things to look for because without it, you’re taking the chance that they didn’t just pass the bar and you are their first client.