As Seen On: ABC 13, Click 2 Houston, Houston Chronicle, Fox News 26
38 year old Mike Hogan of Triple H Farms
To be labeled as a sexual predator is one of the most serious and damaging accusations that can be leveled against anyone. Unfortunately and unfairly for Mike Hogan and his family, prosecutors are attempting to paint a respected man as just that. Mike Hogan at 38 years old leads equestrian training for family owned Triple H Horse Farms.
Mike runs the farm with his father and mother which provides multiple valuable services to the community in the form of various types of equine training for children and adults. Their horse farm is a highly visible, reputed institution in Montgomery County which attracts clients from far and wide to develop equestrian skills for children.
Triple H farms owned and operated Mike Hogan and family
Hogan stands accused of taking a young female to a local area hotel in which prosecutors claim that he committed sexual assault. Triple H Farms is a widely used equestrian training farm in the region and Mike Hogan is equally widely reputed as a horse trainer with no criminal record. Hogan and his family are currently caught in both a political and personal issue having nothing to do with the allegations.
Montgomery County Precinct 3 Constable
Similar accusations were levied against Hogan earlier this year and they had already been investigated by Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. They found no evidence to corroborate the claim and closed the case. The issue involved the same complaints levied against him now, are false, and are a form of retaliation for a horse deal gone awry. Cammack believes that the Sheriff’s office is taking up this case in part because Precinct 3 specifically added a platform issue of protecting students from child abuse. While a noble goal, the sheriff’s office is prosecuting every allegation – substantiated or not to show that they are tough on crime and meeting their political objectives.
Attorney Sam Cammack defending Mike Hogan
Hogan currently is facing 2 felony counts, but Sam is confident that if the case is taken to a grand jury his client will be no-billed or if taken to a jury, found not guilty of all charges. Cammack is fighting to restore Hogan’s reputation and livelihood.
Contact us if you need legal advice. We give free consultation.